Saturday, September 24, 2011

One day Tenali Raman was walking in the street when some juice vendors asked him to drink their juice. One seller was selling the juice in 2 rupees and the other person was selling the juice for 1 rupee. Everyone was drinking the cheap juice, but Raman still drank the costly one. He then asked the other seller why he sold the juice in half of the price, the seller smiled at him and replied “because a rat fell into my juice.” All the customers spat out the juice quickly. Tenali Raman told everyone that cheap is not always better.

One day, the king of Vijayanagara had told Tenali in anger that he did not want to see Tenali Raman‘s face again. The next day Tenali Raman entered the king’s room with pot covering his face and awakened the king. The king asked in anger “who are you?”
Tenali Raman replied “Tenali”.
The king replied in anger “I told you not to show your face to me.”
Tenali then told “that is why I have covered it."
The  king then started laughing loudly.